The banana is one of the world’s most popular fruits. Banana’s known for its yellow colour which comes from Musaceae family. In many countries, banana is among the most important widely grown tropical fruit and serves as an ideal and low cost food source. The banana is highly nutritious and easily digestible than many other fruits, which have a protective impact on health. Bananas are an excellent source of potassium and one of its natural isotopes is potassium-40. Potassium can be found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, and even meats, however, a single banana provides you with 23% of the potassium that you need daily. Bananas are slightly radioactive because they rich in potassium and potassium decays. Potassium is radioactive. But not to worry, by eating banana you cannot become radioactive because you already are radioactive. Someone will certainly die from radiation poisoning if they are able to eat 10,000,000 bananas at once. Normally, healthy adult will contain 140g of potassium, where 16mg is potassium-40. This will make an adult 280 times more radioactive than a banana. Consuming one banana will increase the total amount of potassium-40 by 0.4% in our body, but the effect is temporary since our metabolism closely regulates the amount of potassium in our body, and we will excrete the excess within a few hours.
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