Invitation to the 3rd Asian Short Course on Agri-biotech, Biosafety Regulation, and Communication


THE potential of agri-biotechnology to contribute to sustainable agriculture depends on R&D as well as on the integration of other factors such as effective communication, science-based national regulatory frameworks, and adequate understanding of international legal instruments. To foster strong collaboration and enrich knowledge among key players in the agri-biotech and biosafety arena, ISAAA launches the 3rd installment of the Asian Short Course on Agribiotechnology, Biosafety Regulation, and Communication (ASCA) which will be hosted by ISAAA SEAsiaCenter via Zoom on November 23-26, 2020.

The short course is designed to:

  • enable participants to better understand the entire value chain related to research, development, commercialization, and trade of LMOs;
  • national and international legal instruments related to LMOs;
  • effective communication of agribiotechnology and biosafety regulation; and
  • communicating agribiotechnology to social media

The participant fee of US$150 (plus transfer fee) covers access to the workshop and training kit. Register now at