Reaping the fruits of her labour

Leaving the safe confines of a stable job in the finance industry, Elizabeth Lee tells DR MAHALETCHUMY ARUJANAN she found her Eldorado – growing pineapples in Pahang.

 IN THE TURBULENT TIMES of the COVID-19 crisis, where job opportunities were scarce and uncertainty loomed, one spirited graduate embarked on a journey that defied conventions – paving the way for a remarkable transformation in the agricultural sector. Meet Elizabeth Lee, a finance and econometrics graduate whose inspiring story unfolds in Pahang, where she ventured into farming, – cultivating her golden treasure – the pineapple.

A Serendipitous beginning and a tenacious year of growth

“I graduated during the COVID crisis, and it was tough to get a job. It was during this time that my mother came across an article about the ‘Geran Agropreneur Muda’ programme and suggested that I apply,” says Lee.