Revolutionising health with postbiotics

Dr Tan Joo Shun with the postbiotic product of Biotenova


IN THE ever-evolving field of biotechnology, the emergence of postbiotics as a groundbreaking concept has paved the way for innovative health solutions through research.

Driven by a passion for research and a desire to contribute to society, Associate Professor Dr Tan Joo Shun who is a lecturer at the School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) spoke to The Petri Dish on the remarkable journey that led him to become the founder of Biotenova, a spin-off company specialising in probiotic and postbiotic products with novel ingredients.

Tan provided a simplistic analogue: “Probiotic is like a bee, prebiotic is like nectar, and postbiotic is like honey. Bee (probiotic) will go and collect nectar (prebiotic), which they will then use to produce honey (postbiotic).”

He breaks down the differences between the three “biotics: “Probiotics are living microorganisms that contribute to gut health when consumed. Prebiotics are non-living fibres that serve as a food source for probiotics, promoting a healthy gut environment. Postbiotics, on the other hand, are the non-living probiotic microorganisms and their byproducts that consist of cell components and metabolites which go beyond prebiotic and probiotic.”