Three Tips for Making Changes That Stick


In the journey of wellness, it is important to make positive changes. But many people start a new habit but fall off the wagon very soon; the change does not last. How to make a lasting change become the key to success in your healthy lifestyle. If you are like most people struggling to make the change that sticks, read my three tips for making changes that stick based on the latest scientific research about behaviour change.

Deciding is the first step. When you make a decision, you want to make the change, let’s say you want to eat healthily; at the same time, you are deciding about your level of commitment too. Subconsciously, your brain’s neurons send and receive electrical signals to communicate with each other in the nervous system and other types of cells in the body. The brain tells your body how to react. When you decide and commit to eating healthily, your choice for your meals is healthy food. Verbally deciding or even writing down what you decide on a piece of paper or journal can surely help you make it happen.