Global Leaders Tackle Conservation at UN Biodiversity Conference


CANADA’S Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, welcomed the delegates of the 15th Meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP15) to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Being one of the countries promoting conservation, Canada stepped up to be the host of COP15, which takes place from December 7 to 19, 2022.

Biodiversity is a crucial topic of discussion that concerns human health and well-being, economic prosperity, food safety, and security, among other areas vital for the survival of humans and societies. According to CBD, coordinated action among political leaders and key stakeholders is the key to safeguarding life on earth. Thus, the COP15 action agenda includes access and benefit sharing, biosafety, climate change adaptation and mitigation, food systems and health, sustainable production and production, and other vital topics. Global leaders and high-level representatives are present at COP15 to tackle these topics.

“When people think of Canada, they think of our landscapes and the richness of our nature – parts of who we are. Today, we welcome the world to Montréal to continue working together to make sure the planet we leave to our kids and grandkids has clean air, clean water, and an abundance of nature to enjoy,” said Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.

Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change Hon. Steven Guilbeault was also present at COP15. He said, “the fight to protect nature has never been more important than it is right now. With a million species at risk of extinction around the world, COP15 is a generational opportunity to work together to halt and reverse biodiversity loss and create a nature-positive world. Canada stepped up to welcome the world for this conference and sees it as an opportunity to rally federal, provincial, territorial, and Indigenous ambition to protect 30 percent of our lands and waters by 2030.”