MBOT gives a shot in the arm for women in tech

Appointment of Ts. Sharifah Zaida Nurlisha, as the Chairman of the Women Technology Chapter during ENTICE 2020.

AS a professional body that recognises technologists and technicians in all fields of STEM, the Malaysian Board of Technologists (MBOT) is taking a step forward to support women technologists in breaking the glass ceiling in their respective fields.

It does not matter that MBOT is the youngest professional body in Malaysia. During the MBOT Experts Network in Technology, Innovation and Cooperative Event (ENTICE) held recently MBOT launched the Women Technology Chapter.

MBOT president Datuk Ir. Ts. Dr. Siti Hamisah Tapsir said statistics from MBOT show a low percentage of women among professional members, around 20%, even though the majority of students in universities were women.

“The future is female and launching the Women Technology Chapter is a way forward to make women more inclusive in our nation building,” said Hamisah during the event launch officiated by Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry (MOSTI), Datuk Ahmad Amzad bin Hashim.

Ts. Sharifah Zaida Nurlisha, Chief Executive Officer of MMC Oil & Gas Engineering was elected as the Chairman of the Women Technology Chapter.

Hamisah added that many women leave the workforce due to family commitments and being primary caregivers, they carry more responsibilities.

The aim of the Women Technology Chapter is to support women in balancing their work and family responsibilities so they can be retained in the workforce.

The deputy minister quoted a few prominent women scientists in Malaysia such as Prof Datuk Dr Asma Ismail and Tan Sri Dr. Mazlan Othman among others and said they are living examples of the potential of women in technological fields.

He said MOSTI strongly supports MBOT initiatives, as it realises that there are many great women involved in science and technology. In an inclusive country, women professionals should be accorded opportunities not only at the top but also in middle and upper management strata.