What are flavonoids?


Flavonoids are chemical components that can be found in most fruits, vegetables, chocolate and beverages such as wine and tea. They are the largest group of phytonutrients that consists of more than 6,000 various types and they are also responsible for the colourful colours in fruit and vegetables. Some of it are kaempferol and quercetin.

There are six significant subtypes of flavonoid and each type is broken down by our body in a different way where they are rich in nutrients and antioxidant activity that helps to ward off toxins from our body. The subtypes are Flavanols, Flavan-3-ol, Flavones, Flavanones, Isoflavones and Anthocyanins.

Apart from ward off toxins, flavonoids may help lower the risk of having a heart attack or stroke, help managing high blood pressure, decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes and prevent the risk of getting certain cancers however more studies are needed to confirm with this statement.

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