MySTIE 10-10 – An integrated policy to revolutionize S&T


THE Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation has reached another milestone by launching the Malaysian Science Technology Innovation and Economic Development Framework (MySTIE 10-10).

The policy was presented livestream in the Ministry’s Facebook page on Dec 9.

This policy framework is aligned to the “Shared Prosperity Vision 2030”. It integrates 10 global science and technology drivers with 10 socioeconomic drivers in the country so that STI and social sciences can complement each other.

This approach integrates two major sectors which is STI and Economics with the aim of utilising STI as a tool to address national issues, challenges and shift Malaysia up to the global innovation value chain.

The concept of Science, Technology, Innovation and Economy (STIE) is introduced in this policy.  The MySTIE 10-10 Framework was specifically designed by Academy of Sciences Malaysia together with a team led by Prof Dr Mahendhiran Nair, Professor of Econometrics and Public Policy Engagement, Monash University, Malaysia

“The National Policy on Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTIN) 2021-2030 is a new policy to intensify local technology development and transform Malaysia from being technology users to technology developers,” said Khairy Jamaluddin, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation during the launch.

MySTIE 10-10 was formulated to support the implementation of DSTIN 2021-2030 and it plays a momentous role in addressing the gap between R&D outcomes that do not meet the need of industry and low level of commercialization.

“This policy outlined six cores, along with 20 strategies and 46 initiatives covering all sectors and people from different backgrounds”, said Khairy.

“The six cores that is being emphasized is responsive STI governance, empowerment of research, development, commercialization and innovation as well as the use of local technology by industry, STI talent development and application of STIE, as well as bringing STI to the global stage.

“By setting a target of becoming a high technology country we can reduce being dependent on foreign technology and labor”, said Khairy during the launch.

He also highlighted that Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) based education as well as Technical Education and Vocational Training (TVET) will be fortified to ensure that the talents can meet the needs of the industry in a rapidly changing global economy and technology since STI talent which is the backbone of national development is also the main focus of new DSTIN.

Khairy also expressed his dissatisfaction on the low level of innovative competency, although the country ranks second behind Singapore among all Asean countries.

“The situation is different from other Asean countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines and Thailand, which display high levels of innovative competency compared to our country, as they produce a lot of innovative output, compared to the input invested,” he said.

Malaysia has produced little innovative output compared with a high level of innovative investment.

“I believe, the use of the MySTIE 10-10 framework will help strengthen TCA’s role in commercialization efforts when the set of priority areas can meet the needs of the industry, thus ensuring the progress of science and technology in line with the country’s economic growth,” he said.