How plant-based JUST turns mung beans into scrambled eggs


THERE’S a reason most plant-based companies start their product lines with a burger. Sure, figuring out the aroma, sizzle and taste of beef is a challenge, but mushing plant protein into a patty is far easier than trying to replicate the light and fluffy texture of scrambled eggs. Still, that’s exactly what JUST, Inc. is aiming to do with its plant-based egg product made from an ancient nitrogenfixing legume—mung beans.

The search for the perfect protein

The first part of the process is to find the right plant-based protein for the task, which, in this case, means finding one that functions as closely as possible to eggs. Watching the company’s “Ten Steps” video below, you might get the idea that this was one of the simpler steps, but, well, that idea would be wrong.

In the video, a researcher stands between two computer screens, clicking away on his keyboard. Seconds later, a protein