S’wak leads in producing TRIZ practitioners


Sarawak leads in deploying the mechanics of thinking creatively, known as TRIZ method in 2019. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) championed the initiative for the state by developing more than 200 TRIZ practitioners.

This year, three institutions – UNIMAS, Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) and Tabung Ekonomi Gagasan Anak Bumiputera Sarawak (TEGAS) – have involved in this capacity building to train their skilled practitioners using TRIZ techniques.

First TRIZ Certified Practitioner Award in Borneo has been organied at UNIMAS on 15th October 2019 to acknowledge the accomplishments of these practitioners for this year. Close to a total of 200 staff from three institutions – UNIMAS, Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) and Tabung Ekonomi Gagasan Anak Bumiputera Sarawak (TEGAS) – have completed their TRIZ training.

TRIZ or Theory of Inventive Problem Solving gives focus on systematic innovation. It offers various thinking techniques to assist in solving complex problems with simple solutions. TRIZ was developed by a Russian innovator, Genrich Altshuller in late 1940s, and since then the method has been expanded worldwide.

TRIZ techniques is ideal for SMEs as TRIZ training is aimed towards developing systematic solutions and innovations that are affordable, quick and effective. SMEs in the era of 4.0 industry can take deploy TRIZ training to reskilling their skilled workers.

For Sarawak, TRIZ is ideal to be leveraged to enhance thinking and problem-solving skills to work on complex problems as well as to take advantage of abundance of natural resources for major entrepreneurial and investment opportunities. The aim is towards producing systematic solutions and innovations that have economical, societal, environmental and political impacts that are affordable, quick and effective.

Sarawak has developed 1,109 certified TRIZ practitioners from a total of 10,053 at national level. It is the largest number of practitioners trained by any states in Malaysia so far.

For youth including students, welldeveloped thinking skills will go a long way in impressing potential employers or assist in entrepreneurial mind set.

Based on a labour force report by the Statistics Department, the unemployment rate for youth aged between 15-24 years old reached 10.9% for 2018, while the national level data show a healthy rate of 3.3%.

The Sarawak state youth unemployment rate also showed a worrying level at 10.1%.