Soft Robots Nature-Inspired Innovations for Durability, Flexibility, and Versatility


Researchers are increasingly interested in developing soft robots, which are often safer and more adaptable than those with only hard surfaces. Those qualities make soft robots highly appealing in many applications, including working with humans or grasping delicate objects. Nature provides frequent inspiration for these projects, particularly as developers consider the most feasible ways to achieve their goals.

Providing Durability and Flexibility

Many designers create flexible and durable soft robots to withstand demanding environments. That’s one reason these options are so popular in manufacturing facilities for picking and item-handling tasks. Researchers often use nature as inspiration since so many living creatures tolerate challenging conditions in the wild. In one case, a team used the pangolin to guide their design choices. They appreciated how the animal had overlapping scales with a soft layer of skin underneath. Those bodily characteristics allow the animal to quickly curl into a ball when needed.