Let science, technology and innovation be the driving words for 2024

science, technology and innovation

An appropriate resolution for 2024 and beyond is to think science, celebrate technology, and inspire innovation.

There is a wide consensus that Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) will continue to exert increasing influence on world affairs. Many forecast that the year 2024 will see more discourses on STI as the world grapples with socially disruptive events that many predict will shape the future of humanity.

The science of climate change is set to dominate. There is no doubt that climate activists will push with more vigor the “No Fossil Fuel” agenda at the next COP 29. The oil and gas business will continue to put up a fight, pushing the world to accept their carbon capture and utilization technology as a viable mitigation measure so they can continue with their business. However, many are still not convinced, calling for cuts in emissions as the best way to deal with climate change.

For the economy, the debate will continue on the ethical and safety aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a technology that has been at the center of much debate. Many in business circles are convinced that AI will disrupt industries like no other before. The question raised is: how will the negatives overwhelm the positive potential of AI? Already, ChatGPT, considered a mild form of AI, is creating concerns in the academic world, where many worry it will be used to cheat at examinations.