Three steps towards a vibrant life



HAPPY New Year 2022! Very excited to meet you again right here in this new year. As
I am sitting in front of my laptop to decide which topic I want to share with you this
the very first month of 2022, I decided this is the one: Belief, Awareness, and Action. Without these three crucial keys, nothing works out.

Let’s start with the belief system. The deeply rooted belief is powerful to fuel your
emotion and actions. The limiting belief inhibits you, limits you, and stops you from
pursuing the life you truly want to live. Think about this example. Sally always falls
sick, lacks energy, can not focus well, and feels tired. She might go through her life
feeling like usual, and she has to bear with it. Since young, her family members
suffered from health challenges, living in a family culture that eating a lot of
processed food without exercise. Generation by generation tells her this eating habit
and lifestyle are completely fine and normal.