2nd Pre-COPMOP2021: Asian Regional Workshop on Current and Upcoming Items Under the CBD and its Protocols


ISAAA and partners are organizing the 2nd Pre-COPMOP2021: Asian Regional Workshop on Current and Upcoming Items Under the CBD and its Protocols on September 28-29, 2021 via Zoom. Registration is now open to all interested participants.

The Pre-COPMOP sessions will cover the following:

  • rundown of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its protocol and Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol (COPMOPs)
  • key developments since the last ISAAA pre-COPMOP event and the latest plans for COP15MOP10
  • new breeding technologies and genome editing

The first Pre-COPMOP2021 workshop organized by ISAAA, Malaysian Biotechnology Information Center, Public Research and Regulation Initiative, and the US  Department of Agriculture, was held on August 4-6, 2021. The topics tackled were risk assessment, gene drives, synthetic biology, socio-economic considerations, public engagement, among others. These workshops aim to prepare participants to COP15MOP10, which is scheduled in two parts: part 1 in October 2021 as an online event, which will be followed by the second in-person part later in 2022.

The 2nd workshop is open to scientists, regulators, policymakers, industry players, and students. Topics of discussion are carefully chosen as they are the trending items and require serious attention from stakeholders. Registration to the workshop is free of charge.

Sign up now.