Experts Encourage to Speed Up Biotech Adoption in Pakistan with the Help of Scicom


PAKISTAN is one of the top adopters of biotech crops in the Asia-Pacific, according to ISAAA SEAsiaCenter Director Dr Rhodora Romero-Aldemita, who was one of the speakers in the ISAAA Brief 55 Launch and Seminar on Science Communication and Public Engagement held physically and virtually at COMSTECH, Islamabad, Pakistan on March 9, 2021.

Dr Romero-Aldemita shared the science communication initiatives of ISAAA. Prof. Iqbal Choudhary, COMSTECH Coordinator-General and PABIC Karachi Director, discussed the techniques of popular science writing with the goal of bridging the gap between science and society. A media practitioner’s point of view in public engagement was presented by Aleem Ahmed, a science journalist. The present status of biotech in Pakistan was presented by Dr Kauser Malik, a professor from Forman Christian College and Director of PABIC Lahore. He implied that although Pakistan is one of the top producers of biotech crops in the Asia-Pacific, there’s a need to speed up the adoption of biotech in the country. This can be achieved through effective science communication that informs the public and dispels fake news.

The hybrid event was organized by COMSTECH, in collaboration with Pakistan Biotechnology Information Center Karachi Chapter. Over 200 participants from different parts of the world joined the event.