CEVA Sante Animale sets up first Asian partner lab

LIR laboratory will undertake contract testing for CEVA field samples from all Asian countries.

LAB- IND RESOURCE SDN BHD (LIR Biotech) is the “First Certified Partner Laboratory” of CEVA Santé Animale – a renowned veterinary pharmaceutical company based in Libourne, France.

The LIR Biotech laboratory is also the “First External Laboratory” approved outside of Europe and the US. This makes it the first Asian partner laboratory of CEVA.

Ruud Aerdts, CEVA’s Asia zone idrector, along with his colleagues, Dr Marcelo Paniago, director of global veterinary services for poultry, and Dr Jessica Lee, Asia veterinary services manager, were presented with CEVA’s official certificate. The certificate was received by Robin Liew, LIR Biotech business development manager recently.

“Having the official certificate number of CEVA-001, dated August 31st, coinciding with the 61st Independence Day of Malaysia was a serendipitous touch to this incredibly significant milestone for LIR Biotech,” said Liew.

According to him, LIR laboratory will undertake contract testing for CEVA field samples from all Asian countries.

Previously, all the samples were dispatched to CEVA’s Phylaxia Lab in Hungary. It was costly and ‘result turn-around time’ was too long,” Liew explained.

“Through the application of cutting-edge molecular methods, LIR Biotech laboratory will carry out CEVA’s vaccine monitoring uptake assays for regional samples,” he said.
Located in Bukit Beruntung, Rawan, the LIR Biotech laboratory will cover CEVA’s flagship poultry vaccine testing for samples from Malaysia and as far as India.

“We will be using real-time PCR for qualitative tests (and quantitative tests in future) and conventional PCR with restriction enzyme digestion method to differentiate vaccine from wild type strains.

“The molecular test detects specific vector vaccine DNA signatures. Vector vaccine technology uses a weakened virus to transport pieces of pathogen genes that codes for surface antigen proteins to stimulate the immune response in intended hosts.

“We will be testing vector vaccines against major diseases in the poultry sector such as Newcastle Disease, Avian Influenza (bird flu) and IBDV Infectious Bursa Disease,” added Liew.

About CEVA Sante’ AnimaleCEVA Sante’ Animale is the sixth largest animal health company with a vast global presence. CEVA Sante’ Animale specialises in pharmaceutical medicine for companion, equine, and production animals. For information, visit www.ceva.com

About Lab-Ind Resource Sdn Bhd
LIR Biotech is a dynamic Malaysian biotech company that provides end-to-end solutions in detection platforms for food production, food safety, food authentication and monitoring. The company’s MS ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited laboratory status enables it to employ rigorous nucleic acid testing. The company provides testing services, consultancy and turnkey, training, and R&D. For more information, visit www.mylabind.wixsite.com/labtesting2u or contact us at info@mylabind.com