UMS lecturer scores a hat-trick in paper chase


KOTA KINABALU: Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) continues to move forward with various achievements in academics and co-curricular activities.

Recently, Lt Colonel (PA) Associate Prof Dr Norazah Mohd Suki (pix), of UMS from the Labuan Faculty of International Finance won three international awards through her outstanding publications including writing in high-impact journals.

Norazah’s research article entitled “Green product purchase intention: impact of green brands, attitude, and knowledge” published in British Food Journal was selected by the journal’s editorial team as a Highly Commended Paper in the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence.

She is the sole Malaysian lecturer to win the award along with other lecturers from leading universities.

The criteria used to judge the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence Awards are based on six areas: internationality, diversity, support for scholarly research, encouragement of applied research (impact), commitment to high quality scholarship; and a desire to ensure reader, author and customer experience is the best it can be.

The empirical results of her study addresses the gap in the prevailing body of literature in reference to the impact of green brand positioning and consumer attitude towards green brands, as well as the effect of green brand knowledge on green product purchase intention.

Her study found that green brand knowledge does not moderate the relationship between green brand positioning and green product purchase intention, thus providing insight into this subject matter, which has not been clearly examined in previous studies.

Furthermore, Norazah also brought honour to the university when her convincing presentation at 2nd Advances in Social Sciences Research International Conference, Bandung Indonesia which was held on 5-6 May 2017 entitled “Examining Students’ Satisfaction in Campus-Voting: A Correlation Analysis” was adjudged the Best Paper Presenter Award.

Additionally, a research collaboration of Norazah along with two other researchers, namely Dr Norbayah Mohd Suki, and Azlina Bujang entitled “Structural Relationships between Disruptive Attribute Localisation and Personalisation on Women Consumers’ Attitude to Practice Mobile Retailing” has won Best Paper Award at International Conference on Business and Social Science, which was held from Feb 28 – March 1 2017, Malacca.

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