Large US study reports no link between glyphosate and cancer


A LARGE, prospective cohort study conducted among agricultural workers, farmers and their fami­lies in Iowa and North Carolina in the United States reports that there are no associations between glyphosate use and overall cancer risk or with total lymphohe­matopoietic cancers, including non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and multiple myeloma.

The long-term study updated the previous evaluation of glypho­sate with cancer incidence and is part of the Agricultural Health Study (AHS), a large and impor­tant project that tracks the health of agricultural workers and their families. Led by AHS principal investigator Laura Beane Free­man, the study results state that among 54,251 applicators studied, 44,932 (82.8%) used glyphosate. “Glyphosate was not statisti­cally significantly associated with cancer at any site,” the study said.