Siblings with prestigious British degrees defy convention, roll up their sleeves to work in shrimp ponds

Melissa Saw and her brother Benjamin Saw enjoying the cooked shrimp from their farm.

THE oppressive heat of a Friday in Tanjong Karang clashed with an ominous sky-threatening rainfall. Nestled nearly two hours away from Kuala Lumpur, in a coastal rural setting, the air reverberated with the steady hum of motors tirelessly aerating shrimp ponds.

Amidst this backdrop, Melissa Saw emerged from her uniquely repurposed container, now transformed into an office space.

A graduate of Imperial College University, UK, Melissa, along with her brothers Benjamin Saw and Aaron Saw, alumni of the University of Westminster and the University of East Anglia respectively, are pioneers in modern marine Black Tiger Shrimp and Pacific White Shrimp farming.