Parents, children engage in science awareness carnival

Cheng demonstrating mushroom cultivation to parents and children.

KUALA LUMPUR: The Sunway Nexis Mall in Kota Damansara came alive recently with a carnival “Love in Caring Hands”. The event aims to raise science awareness and interest among parents and children.

About 1500 parents and their children thronged the event jointly organised by Ganofarm R&D Sdn Bhd, VMS Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Bioeconomy Corporation, Malaysian Biotechnology Information Centre (MABIC) and Princeread Academy.

Ganofarm R&D CEO, Cheng Poh Guat said the carnival served as a platform for parents and children to interact and engage themselves in the many fun-filled learning activities.

“This is our effort to cultivate interest and instill love in science and technology among Malaysians. It is heartwarming to see parents and children come together and participate in this science event,” said Cheng. Cheng further said the event is set to take place on an annual basis.